Archetypal male energy is sudden.
~ Pastor Steve Cioccolanti
Archetypal female energy is gradual.
All ideologies are a consequence of male or female energy.
I propose the above paradigm for your consideration based on the revelation of Scripture. A paradigm is a model to explain a subject. One of the banes of “political correctness” is that you’re not supposed to believe in Biblical paradigms. Wokism has attempted to destroy many traditional paradigms that help us understand life with some commonsense. The dichotomy of male and female energies is one of the most ancient models for understanding ourselves and our world.
Here are brief examples before we explore how this paradigm applies to Donald Trump and U.S. politics.
- Creation is sudden — in 6 days everything is completed. God enters the scene and everything explodes into light and life. On the 7th day is rest.
- Evolution is gradual — who knows how many millions and millions of years it takes for dirt to organize itself into a dentist. The unimaginable duration conceals many implausible (or impossible) steps. Darwin didn’t disprove the Bible; he merely showed us he was feminine. Gradualism is feminine energy.
- Nuclear fusion and fission are sudden releases of stored potential in mass (E = MC2). None of this supreme power is gradual. The branch of physics that studies it, Quantum Mechanics, deals with sudden leaps of energy (by definition). Nuclear is masculine energy.
- Green energy, on the other hand, is gradual. Wind turbines and solar cells sporadically store energy on some days, but miss out on others, and gradually dissipate the energy. Green activists aren’t better to the environment or more aligned to nature; they just tend towards feminine energy.

- Miracles are always sudden. The Red Sea suddenly parts. Jesus suddenly resurrects. The blind suddenly sees. A pastor who tends towards masculinity will preach about these supernatural interventions recorded in the Bible. “Nothing is impossible” is their motto.
- Healings tend to be more gradual. As Namaan dipped in the Jordan River 7 times, on the 7th time he came up healed. As the 10 lepers went to show themselves the priest, their skin was healed. Jesus said believers “shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” A pastor who tends towards feminine energy will believe in slow recovery, with some insertion of pharmaceuticals to fill in the gap. “It’s a process” is their favorite saying.
Which Energy is Needed?
The fact is, we need both masculine and feminine energy. There is sudden creation and there is slow adaption (micro evolution). There are miracles and there are healings. There is at our disposal a spectrum of energy from fast nuclear to middle ground fossil fuel to slow wind turbines. The point is, what you believe in has less to do with what’s right as it is to do with whether you tend towards masculine or feminine.
Political Energy & the Los Angeles Fires
Politically, Republicans represent masculine energy and Democrats represent feminine energy. Conservative leaders like Trump can enact change fast, through firing “inspector”watchdogs who became guard dogs, revoking the security clearance of the Deep State actors, arresting and deporting alien criminals, threatening Columbia with a 25% tariff so that within minutes their President agreed to receive alien criminals originating from Columbia. Trump unleashed the potential of Alaskan energy with the one executive order. Conservative energy is not gradual energy. It is aimed to make people safe and independent of government as quickly as possible.
Democrats like California Governor Gavin Newsom and the Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass could not act fast enough to help any victims of the wild fires of January 2025. Democrats believe in gradualism. To turn on the water from the Pacific Northwest would take a lot of paperwork, permits and time.
Los Angeles residents could not return to their homes quickly to start clearing out the debris on their property. Democrats wanted the citizens not to do the clean up on their own initiative, but to wait and receive government help. Democrats wanted to contract out the clearing and the process of picking a contractor will be slow. Feminine energy requires a legal process and multiple permits, all of which consume precious time.
Democrat officials prevented Los Angeles residents from returning to their homes unless they could prove their identity with a valid photo ID (ironic since they don’t require photo IDs to vote). Democrat energy is gradual energy. Follow the process, fill in the paperwork, and we’ll decide what’s best for you in our own good time.
Trump came in with masculine energy and said this process was too slow for the victims who were without home. They must get back to their homes so they could start cleaning their properties. They would do it much faster than contractors.
Masculine energy gives, forces, and opens doors. Feminine energy waits, receives, and shuts doors. People can benefit from both energies, but in an emergency, when time is of the essence, you as a victim don’t want Newsom’s energy, you want Trump’s energy! Your survival depends on it. Therefore, in times of crises, people tend to recognize the value of male energy.
Masculine vs Feminine Fighting Strategies
Trump uses masculine energy to deal with IRS. No other leader could rein in the IRS’ colossal growth in power. They now employ 100,000 full-time workers, thousands of whom are armed. Rather than slowly reforming the IRS (which no one has been able to do), Trump is offering 90,000 IRS workers to go fight criminals at the southern border or resign. It’s a genius move. He’s giving them the choice to use their arms to protect American citizens instead of fighting them.

When Democrats attack, they attack with feminine energy. They drag their opponents through a long drawn out legal battles. Defamations and accusations don’t have to be true. “Let the defendant suffer while defending himself” is the aim. Democrats know “the process is the punishment.”
Republicans are not keen to take this legal approach to frustrate their opponents. It’s not masculine, even though it’s effective in destroying some enemies. Republicans tend to wait till the next “suddenly,” which is generally an election. Voting day will decide a Republican’s fate, so they assume.
To Democrats, Election Day is not as important as the process of picking election machines, determining who’s allowed to vote without IDs, controlling the counting process, restricting who’s allowed to watch the counting, and then if all else fails, the process of legally challenging the winner in hope of overturning the election.
To a Conservative, all this jostling seems unfair, exhausting and manipulative. To a Liberal, this is playing a long term, gradual strategy. Because feminine energy plays a gradual game, it usually doesn’t beat masculine energy, but it often outlasts it. As a case in point, the average woman outlives the average man.
Another case in point is RFJ Jr‘s rise in the Trump administration. He brings feminine energy to the team. Even though he has left the Democrat Party, he uses the Democrat strategy to “make America healthy again.” For decades, RFK Jr litigated against the National Institute of Health (NIH), the very body he’s now overseeing. Whenever he wants change, he sues. He has even sued Trump before!
RFK Jr plays a long game to bring gradual change. Rather than wait for Trump to appoint him, like many Republicans do, RFK Jr. ran against Trump as a Democrat, and then as an independent. He had no chance of winning. No chance of becoming President. Why did he do it? This long process was actually his audition for a position in the Trump administration. Rather than a sudden appointment, his was a gradual interview. It worked.
The Biggest Problem with Feminine Energy
A problem with feminine energy being in charge of government is how to resolve conflicts, especially wars. It’s a myth that if more female leaders were in charge, there would be less wars. No, both masculine and feminine energy fight. What then is the difference?
Woman tend to fight longer. Men fight fast and make peace with no hard feelings. Look at how men “hug in out” after a brutal battle in the MMA ring. Yes, men start wars, but men also end wars.
When women fight, it’s a long, drawn out process. There usually is no quick forgiveness and reconciliation. Sometimes grudges are kept forever. Why? Because when women don’t get what they want, procrastination is a strategy. The delay is intentional.
Women often say, “I need time to process that.” Contrast that with masculine energy. As soon as a man hears a problem, his first impulse is to solve it as fast as possible. Women will prolong a problem as a strategy to get what she wants (or figure out what she wants). Her strategy is gradual.
The biggest problem with Democrats being in charge is global conflicts. Because feminine energy is controlling the world, wars drag on and on.
The Conflict in Ukraine: Since 2014 and Still Going
Feminine energy is displayed in American wars today. Democrats do not want the war in Ukraine to end. Trump said it’s his priority to end the war quickly. Do you hear the difference? It’s not about who’s right or wrong, or who’s more likely to succeed or fail. It’s about which energy is in charge.
Democrats see Ukraine as a gradual process of weakening Russia, making Putin unpopular at home, enriching the American war machine, some of which may involve a long, complicated money laundering process from donors like FTX to Ukraine to the coffers of the Democrats in charge. The beauty of the war is in the process. End the war quickly? No, says the Dems. By all means “save the war” is their modus operandi.
Trump is “stupid” to them because he wants to suddenly end a long-term strategy that has been decades in the making. To Democrats, their process is smart. A sudden end to war sounds cocky, brash, arrogant, you name it, they’ll say it. Their goal is to “save the war.”
Which Type of Energy is God?
Is God gradual or sudden? Of course, He is both. He created both, but He emphasizes His masculine energy much more than feminine. Salvation is not gradual; it’s sudden. Confess now and you’ll be saved now. Jesus died and rose again in three days. After waiting 4000 years for salvation, the prophets would call that a sudden work. Even Jesus’ 30 years of life appear as a sudden intervention in the history of mankind. Time stopped and restarted with Jesus’ birth. We suddenly count time as either B.C. or A.D.
Therefore, people who preach that salvation is a gradual process preach a false feminist Gospel. You cannot gradually save yourself. Salvation dawns on you. It’s like the opening of blind eyes. You’re blind and then wham! You see! The gradual part of being evangelized over time is an expression of our stubbornness, hard-heartedness, and unwillingness to obey God. Remember this:
- Disobedience happens gradually.
- Obedience happens suddenly. It doesn’t take long to obey. It takes a decision, which can happen in a split second. A child can drag out disobedience, but she obeys in an instant. A wife can drag out the silent treatment, but she reconciles in an instant. A man can drag out a disagreement, but he forgives in an instant. Hates takes a long time to brew. Love is an instant decision. When we choose to love someone, God’s love is immediately present. There is no delay.
Most pastors today preach a gradual, process-driven Christianity. Much of life does appear gradual, but growth spurts are sudden! Puberty is sudden! Pregnancy is sudden!
The Church is currently overbalanced, leaning to the far end of the gradual, feminine, and receptive side. Modern Christians tend to believe love is compassion, but not correction. The Bible says, “For whom the LORD loves He disciplines, and He punishes every son whom He accepts…God deals with you as with sons…But if you are without discipline…then you are illegitimate children and not sons.” (Hebrews 12:6-8 NAB95) The Church, like the Democrats, is representing feminine energy. It doesn’t believe fast change can come from believing in Jesus Christ.
To spark revival in America, we need the masculine energy of God again. Revival needs prompt doers and fast fighters. Real progress is not progressive; it’s disruptive. Just as technological advancements do not come from engineers tinkering with small improvements, but from disruptors, so too we need disruptors in the Body of Christ.
We’ve seen a sudden technological leap this week with the release of Chinese, open-sourced A.I. by DeepSeek. The challenge of American A.I. is that it requires a lot of processing power from expensive GPUs, which in turn requires a lot of energy. Nvidia was going to make a lot of money from selling these expensive, energy-tensive GPUs that A.I. technology needs. American developers were focused on slowly improving the GPUs, whereas DeepSeek completely redesigned the A.I. language learning process from the ground up, making it 90-95% cheaper than OpenAI. This not only makes A.I. much faster and cheaper, it threatens the business model of OpenAI and Nvidia. Disruptors bring real advancement. Disruptors make technology great again. What explains Americans lagging behind? It’s a symptom of feminine energy protecting what it has and believing gradualism is all that’s needed. It’s a mindset that has been entrenched in the American psyche and spirituality.
Trump is disrupting this feminine dominance in American politics. The Chinese are disrupting this in technology. Who will disrupt the assumption of gradualism in the Church? Prophecies are being fulfilled suddenly. The Church is able bring the solution to injustices suddenly. Jesus will come suddenly.
Do you have other examples of masculine and feminine energy shaping ideas and philosophies? Leave your constructive comments.
Pastor Steve Cioccolanti’s Bio and Contacts:
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Thank you for reading and partnering with this prophetic ministry!
(January 29, 2025 - 11:15 pm)Very insightful. Regarding other examples is taking responsibility. Feminine seeks to explore how others are responsible first. Masculine seeks his own responsibility first. Exhibit A: Bump in night. Feminists don’t demand equality in the face of risk. Exhibit B is asking one for a date. Exhibit C is asking one for marriage.
Eskild Bakken
(February 3, 2025 - 8:05 pm)Important statement. Bringing gender polarity consciousness and masculinity back to christianity and church is crucial for its survival.
Jay Farr
(February 4, 2025 - 12:56 am)To me the most compelling reason the Dem’s don’t want to stop the war in Ukraine is the money they get when the US sends over the 10’s of billions of dollars. That money goes right back into their bank accounts. Follow the money and you see why they don’t want it to end. No has seems to have figured this one out yet….
(February 5, 2025 - 4:54 am)Interesting thoughts.
Julita Vonyea Harris
(February 5, 2025 - 4:57 am)I understand now that there is a reason that a man who follows G-D ordernance will choose and understand why He the man Crown Her the Woman
Dexter Hillary
(February 5, 2025 - 8:55 pm)There are less men serving the lord in churches because men outsource these functions to women. There is a concept that being holy is not macho.
Most male children are being brought by females as males are missing and that is compounding the issues male kids are having in society. Most prisons are filled with males , whose fathers were missing.
God needs to bring forth a revival in male energy to build our society back to the time of the founding fathers who prayed and fasted.
(February 5, 2025 - 10:36 pm)Interesting read