10 Prophecies to Save America

God’s Hand has been on this book “Trump’s Unfinished Business: 10 Prophecies to Save America“ from start to finish. It reached the #1 spot on Amazon in several categories (proof below), and a friend told me he personally carried the book to the White House in March 2020. I could not have made it happen; the Lord is confirming His own Word with signs following. It wouldn’t be a prophetic book without some prophetic stories. Here are four inside stories about how this project unfolded, and why I’m 100% convinced you should read this book!
First Prophetic Sign
I began writing this book on President Trump’s first inauguration day (20 January 2017) and completed writing on the President’s acquittal day in the Senate impeachment trial (5 February 2020). Upon calculation, I discovered it took exactly 1111 days to complete this project. Many times I thought I should have done it sooner. But after many reviews, revisions, and circumstances beyond my control, my concluding chapter “landed” on a propitious day.
Those who have read my previous best-selling books The DIVINE CODE: A Prophetic Encyclopedia of Numbers, Vol. 1 & 2 know that Pastor Steve loves numbers, divine codes, and sacred symmetry. 11 is the number of chaos. 1111 stands for long chaos, or 11 x 101 (another 11). On the 5th of February 2020, the chaos ended. Vindication was triggered. I believe this acquittal and the Kansas City Chiefs winning the Superbowl on Sunday the 3rd of February 2020 (as prophesied by the late prophet Bob Jones) mark the beginning of a national revival.
Second Prophetic Sign
Second, in early 2019, I had a dream of the President walking up to find me. When he found me, I noticed I was wearing a white T-shirt, which was a bit strange to me because I thought I was too under-dressed. I usually appear in church services and on videos with a suit jacket and necktie.
One year later, on the 10th of February 2020, I released my first video announcement on YouTube that the book Trump’s Unfinished Business was ready on Amazon.
At the time this video released, I had already forgotten the 2019 dream. Only when I watched my own video did I realize it was the first time I had ever recorded a YouTube video dressed in a white T-shirt. The same white T-shirt as in my dream one year earlier! God had predicted that the President would somehow find me in a white T-shirt.
Third Prophetic Sign
Third, on the 1st of August 2019, I had a dream that Lara Trump was trying to get me to see President Trump. I do not know whether this was symbolic or whether it will be fulfilled literally. The first (and only) time I was in the same room with Donald Trump was in 2011 when I flew to Sydney to attend a conference where he was a keynote speaker, along with Robert Kiyosaki and Tony Robbins. He dominated the room and captivated the Australian audience.
Next, I nearly saw the President on 25 March 2018 when I was invited to attend a function at Mar-a-Lago, but the Christian and Jewish guests were told in the morning that he was called away to Washington, D.C. Such is the schedule of a president.
Hearing him in 2011 was a personal life marker, but little did I know it then. At the time, I never imagined writing a book about Trump or for Trump. He’s the bestselling author, not me! Nevertheless, the Lord knew. By 2020, the Trump book had become my third #1 bestseller on Amazon under several categories like “Church and State” and “Political Freedom.”

Other prominent authors in the list: Ben Shapiro and David Horowitz

Another prominent author in the list: “Mark Taylor.”

Another prominent book in the list: “The Case for Trump” by Victor Davis Hanson.

ahead of former Pro-Wrestler/Govenor Jesse Ventura!
Fourth Prophetic Sign
Fourth, I had the privilege of meeting one of the President’s top 2020 campaign advisors, Steven Rogers. (Yes, that is his real name. No, he’s not Captain America!) My interview with Steven Rogers occurred at Upper Montclair Country Club, New Jersey, on 16 July 2019. When we sat down, the first thing he gave me was his business card. The first thing I asked him was, “How can we help the President?” I noted that he had been under attack, yet he was doing more for Christians than any other President. “People should celebrate what he’s doing,” I said to Mr. Rogers, “even if they don’t like who he was or is.”
Steven Rogers’ reply, which is not recorded in my book, was an utter surprise. He said to me, “The best thing you can do is preach sin.”
The conversation turned away from politics to the modern Church, which Mr. Rogers described as lukewarm and money-minded. I agreed. We were no longer concerned about the temporal matters of politics, but the eternal of revival.
For too long prominent pastors had become afraid to speak forthrightly about sin. I told Mr. Rogers that they almost never spoke about Biblical justice. These topics are uniquely the Church’s domain. If the Church would not do its job, who will? But if the Church did its job, righteous politicians would find it easier to do theirs, and then the American people would rejoice.
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”
Having the privilege to interview one of the President’s top advisors was a sign from Heaven for me. But I noticed seven months later something else beyond coincidence. The last chapter an author normally writes is the Acknowledgement, even though it typically goes in the front. Many people help a project come to fruition, so an author considers who to thank at the last stage of the project. In this section, I thanked my Lord by quoting a favorite Psalm of mine.
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord…”
PSALM 37:32
After this quote, I wrote in the Acknowledgement, “I have often seen this verse come to pass, including with this project. Thank You, Dear Lord.” When I finished the book, I discovered Steven Roger’s business card. It was a unique card with minimal information on it. Not even a phone number. When I flipped the card over, I saw what he had printed on the backside:
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord…”
–Psalm 37:32
I got goosebumps. I was awestruck by the Lord’s supernatural sign. I took that forgotten business card and put it in my wallet as a reminder that this verse is indeed true. The Lord is giving me divine appointments to advance His message in this book. God is setting His believers up for good. God is on the side of good people.
When critics oppose us as we are endeavoring to serve the Lord, they don’t realize they are actually opposing the Lord Himself. When Saul persecuted the first-century believers, Christ struck him off his high horse, blinded his eyes, and then asked, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (Acts 22:7). The Lord didn’t ask, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting My Church or the Christians over there?” No, Jesus took it personally. He said, “Me.”
One of the wisest rabbis in Jewish history, Rabbi Gamaliel, had a similar insight. The New Testament called him a Pharisee and a Doctor of Law. When the Sanhedrin wanted to destroy the Apostles Peter and John for preaching the Name of Christ and healing in His Name, Gamaliel made them pause their persecution with a thought, “What if God were leading Peter and John? What if God were in this work and we didn’t realize it?” (That’s my paraphrase.) The Book of Acts recorded his advice to the Sanhedrin:
“Men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what you intend to do regarding these men…And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.”
Acts 5:35-39
I believe that TRUMP’S UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 10 PROPHECIES TO SAVE AMERICA is an amazing idea that originated from Heaven, that God is actively working to guide men/women who will listen to Him, therefore this message about justice is a part of His will. Critics will undoubtedly mock and sneer, “Isn’t it arrogant to claim you speak for God?”
Actually, it’s my job and I do it reverentially, examining my heart to check that I do not pursue my own agenda and that I discern God’s agenda faithfully. It is not controversial to state definitively that God’s 10 Commandments, the main template of justice which I follow in my book, represent the Lord’s perfect will. I do not need to defend it, for He will defend it for Himself and for His glory.
The Apostle Paul said that when the Lord sent him to Corinth three times, the number three was a prophetic act of confirmation: “This will be the third time I am coming to you. ‘By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.'” (2 Corinthians 13:1). This Trump book has been established by more than three witnesses. It has been confirmed by at least four prophetic signs stretching from 2011–2020.
Fifth Prophetic Sign Coming
Since my first encounter with The Donald in 2011 (when few would have taken him seriously as a political candidate), nine years have transpired. Nine so happens to be my favorite prophetic number. Time will tell what the Lord has in store. My readers have told me that I should pray to be invited to the White House. My prayer is to be invited on Airforce One! But I would be content to know that in 2020, the President heard my words inspired by the Holy Spirit. In fact, every leader needs a word from the Lord.
Get this prophetic book filled with Heaven’s download–you will find insights and proposals that are not in print elsewhere! Available in two formats on Amazon, use these links:
📚Paperback: https://amzn.to/339yUgc
📚Ebook: https://amzn.to/2IC7iXj

A pastor from Chicago recently wrote to me, “I’m 100 pages into the book…. It is loaded with lots of Biblical principles and facts that the Body of Christ needs to be made aware of. I’m doing my best with ‘word-of-mouth’ referrals. Have you considered getting this book translated into Spanish? Lots of (Christian) Latino votes.”
If you are qualified to translate into Spanish, German, French, Japanese or any of the major languages, please email the publisher: info@discover.org.au, with subject: “Trump Translation.” A target deadline for launching a foreign language title about the Trump Prophecies is before the US Election scheduled for Tuesday 3rd November 2020.
Would you consider gifting 10 copies of TRUMP’S UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 10 PROPHECIES TO SAVE AMERICA to school teachers, congressmen, senators, and pastors whom you know? Please pray for them to be receptive. They will gain answers to the 10 most pressing social issues facing Christians today. These are 10 major reforms that can be implemented now by godly leaders.
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